Staff sketchings, part 2

Posted by Paul Anderson | Monday, May 11, 2009 @ 12:42 AM


Here’s the second sketch from my failed project. It’s of Brady Rhoades, our editor. This time I was drawing from one of my own photographs, which I prefer to do. It’s much easier to work from an original photograph than it is from someone else’s image. I learned this lesson many years ago when I offered to do a wedding portrait of some friends. I used one of their wedding shots as the primary source and it took me months to do. It never turned out right either, but I gave it to them anyway.

I think the reason I have trouble with it is because I’m working off someone else’s art, so to speak, and because I’m a strict documentarian when it comes to the aesthetic I feel like I’m using too much of the other person’s material. I really admire the work of artists like Shepard Fairey because he’s able to transform someone else’s image and make it his own.

With Brady I feel like I had caught him in a moment of solemn introspection — he seems to be wondering why I was so insistent on taking his picture. I don’t blame him for wondering. It does seem like an odd process. But I think Brady, like many of the other subjects, wished I had done more flattering pictures featuring them in a happier moment. I think most of us would want that. I’ll post another sketch tomorrow. Feel free to tell me what you think.

1 Comment »

  1. Comment by Ila — May 13, 2009 @ 5:28 PM

    Paul, I’m beginning to think the failure of the “project” was the photos you used. With Brady Rhoades, my bet is you could have used the photo posted on his blog and achieved a better result.

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