On the trail of the short sale tales

Posted by Paul Anderson | Saturday, April 18, 2009 @ 8:42 PM


A group of Italian journalists dropped in on me recently. They had picked up a copy of the Los Angeles Times in Costa Mesa, saw the Daily Pilot in it and decided to call me for help with a story they were working on about how the economic crisis is affecting America. They work for a TV news magazine show in Italy that’s not affiliated with the government channels (it’s on the Anno Zero channel).


DeVore vs. Boxer vs. Henley, round 2!

Posted by Paul Anderson | Tuesday, April 14, 2009 @ 2:55 PM


Here we go again! Assemblyman Chuck DeVore’s at it again with another parody video set to the tune of a Don Henley song (That’s a screen-grab of it above).


Boxer’s rebellion

Posted by Paul Anderson | Monday, April 13, 2009 @ 11:01 PM


Finally, Sen. Barbara Boxer’s camp responded to Chuck DeVore’s teasing with his latest video parody set to the tune of a Don Henley song, “All She Wants to do is Tax, Tax, Tax.”


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