Local Inaugural bragging rights

Posted by Paul Anderson | Tuesday, January 13, 2009 @ 10:29 PM

Leading the way

You should have heard Pastor Dennis Short of Harbor Christian Church in Newport Beach when he called me today. He was so excited that the leader of his denomination, Rev. Sharon E. Watkins, had been picked by President-elect Barack Obama for a plum Inaugural assignment that at first I thought he was trying to say that someone local had won the honor.

Watkins isn’t from the area and Short only knows her casually, but the real honor is that he feels his Church is being recognized on the national stage, and I sure can’t blame him for that. Harbor Christian, 2401 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach, will celebrate Watkins’ honor at Sunday service.

Obama picked Watkins to do the sermon at the National Prayer Service that caps off the inauguration festivities Jan. 21. She’s the first woman chosen for the honor. She’s also the first woman selected to lead the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Protestant denomination.

The way Short hears it, Watkins was picked because recently she was at a somewhat contentious meeting of religious leaders attended by Obama and she captivated everyone at the end with a prayer that brought everyone together.

With all the flap about picking Saddleback Pastor Rick Warren for the invocation at the inauguration, it appears Watkins’ selection has been received more warmly. The selection of New Hampshire Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson to open the inauguration activities with a prayer didn’t hurt.

“I’m pleased he’s balancing it out with Gene Robinson,” Short said. “And, also, Sharon is a more moderate, leaning liberal.”

Actually, so is the Church, Short noted with a chuckle. “With some of us leaning more than others.”

1 Comment »

  1. Comment by Sarah Halverson — January 31, 2009 @ 3:44 AM

    I was pretty excited about Sharon Watkins speaking too! Of course, I’m only a quarter Disciples, but I still feel like one of my own was up there representing! It’s about time we see a female minister leading us in national prayer. She did great!

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